Impact evaluation and peer-review

Impact evaluation and peer-review for programs and projects implementation are the leading expertise areas of our researchers. A key to the successful implementation of policy and programs by governmental and non-governmental organizations, international donor organizations and private companies is impact evaluation. Conducting impact evaluation requires rigorous knowledge of economics and experience of doing empirical researches. In particular, theoretical understanding of quasi-experimental analysis and experience of making empirical analysis based on microdata are essential. Our researchers’ expertise and knowledge in this area allow us to offer the following consulting services.  

  • Impact evaluation of project and programs

  • Evaluation of project and program reports

  • Evaluation of report on socio-economic researches

  • Evaluation of project and program progress

  • Feasibility studies

Experience in doctoral training and research publication at the peer-reviewed economics journals with Web of Science index is the advantage of our researchers. Therefore, our researchers work as reviewers for researches in economics and social sciences and project and program reports.